A message from Anas

Scotland is ready for change.

In 2026, Scotland can choose change at the ballot box – this is an opportunity that we cannot afford to miss.

An opportunity for Scotland to get a government that is on the side of the people of Scotland.

A government that will save our NHS, represent our communities and deliver economic growth.

And a government that is dedicated to delivering the high-skill, high-pay jobs of the future that Scotland needs.

After nearly two decades in power, the SNP has lost its way – with Scots facing collapsing public services and soaring taxes as a result.

From the cost of living crisis, causing economic misery, to the crisis in our overburdened NHS, making it impossible for staff and putting lives in danger, the stakes could not be higher.

But this isn’t as good as it gets. I am confident that Scotland’s best days are ahead of us and that change is coming.

The status quo won’t do. Labour is ready to deliver the fresh start we need.

Change to deliver the jobs that Scotland needs.

Change to bring down bills and support families.

Change to make work pay for working people.

This is an opportunity for change – let’s take it together.

About Anas

Anas has been at the forefront of Scottish politics for a decade, fighting for the people of Glasgow and Scotland. He is the first Muslim and person of colour to head a major political party in the UK.

He was born in Glasgow in 1983, where he still lives with his wife Furheen, an NHS dentist, and their three children.

Anas joined the Labour Party when he was 16. He studied dentistry at the University of Glasgow and worked as a dentist in the NHS in Paisley for five years. He was first elected as an MP in 2010 and was then elected as deputy leader of Scottish Labour one year later. In 2016 he was elected to the Scottish Parliament as MSP for Glasgow.

In the Scottish Parliament, he has championed the NHS and its workers. He established an expert-led workforce commission to tackle the staffing crisis in the health service, led the campaign to end the NHS pay cap, and exposed the truth behind the water infection scandal at Glasgow’s largest hospital.

Anas led Labour’s positive campaign for Scotland’s future in the UK – United With Labour – in the run-up to the 2014 referendum. He is a proud member of the GMB MSP Group and the Co-operative Party.

Outside of parliament, he has worked on a number of charitable projects, founding Glasgow Cares. He arranged for ambulances to travel the Greek island of Lesbos to support Syrian refugees and has supported projects for homeless people in Glasgow.

Anas has been working to rebuild trust in Scottish Labour and demonstrate that we can deliver the change Scotland needs.

Anas’s Priorities

Our party’s history was founded on the strength of the Scottish people – and that is where its future lies too.

We must capture the spirit of Keir Hardie, who founded our movement, of Donald Dewar, who turned the dream of devolution into a reality, and Gordon Brown, who led our nation’s fight against the scandal of child poverty.

This isn’t as good as it gets – we can make Scotland a country that offers opportunity and aspiration for all.

A country united by what we have in common; not what divides us.

A country with a properly funded and well-run NHS.

A country that ensures people don’t pay the price for the cost of living crisis.

A country that has our schools restored to their rightful place as some of the best in the world.

A country with millions more in well paid work, with a real plan for climate justice that makes Scotland a world-leader in renewables.

Scottish Labour – the change Scotland needs.

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