How does the Labour Party work?

From local Labour teams, right up to the Scottish Executive Committee, Scottish Labour is a volunteer-led organisation.

Your local Labour team

The Labour Party is made up of smaller networks operating in all the different regions of the country. Through them, you can get involved with the party in your local area.

Constituency Labour Party (CLP)

Your CLP is your local party based on your constituency and it’s a hub of activity and community organising. Via your CLP, you can choose the members from your area to represent you at Annual Conference and you can help select your parliamentary candidate.

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The National Executive Committee (NEC) and Scottish Executive Committee (SEC)

The National Executive Committee is the governing body of the Labour Party. 

The Scottish Executive Committee is the governing body of the Scottish Labour Party, overseeing the overall direction of the party and the policy-making process. It sets strategic objectives on an annual basis and meets regularly to review the work of the party.