August 28, 2018 Blog, Media

Time to end the scandal of child poverty

28 August 2018

The number of children from working households living in poverty has soared under the Tories and the SNP.

Data from the Scottish government has revealed that the number of children from a household where two parents work full time has doubled since 2010, going from 10,000 children to 20,000.

It also shows 40,000 children are living in poverty in households where one parent works full time, and 50,000 children living in poverty with parents only having part time work.

This is the human impact of our broken economy. Austerity means job is no longer a guarantee of protection from poverty for your children.

That cannot go on. Here’s how Labour would deliver real change for Scotland:

A £10 per real living wage to make work pay.

A ban on zero hours contacts end insecure work.

Ending the housing crisis by building more homes and introducing a Mary Barbour law to ensure fair rents.

Implementing an industrial strategy that will deliver high wage jobs.

Ending austerity and stimulating the Scottish economy with a Scottish Investment Bank and Scottish Transformation Fund.

Using Holyrood’s powers to top up Child Benefit by £260 per year.

Like our plans to make Scotland work for the many? Then join our movement here.