May 9, 2018 Blog, Media, Videos

Transport Chiefs In Denial Over Plummeting Scotrail Performance

Transport chiefs are in denial over plummeting ScotRail performance, Labour said today.

Performance figures released this week show that ScotRail hit only 12 of their 34 benchmarks during the final quarter of 2017/18.

Scottish Labour Connectivity spokesperson Colin Smyth said:

“The refusal by Alex Hynes and Humza Yousaf to apologise to passengers for plummeting performance on Scotland’s trains shows ScotRail and the SNP Government are in denial.

“Two thirds of targets are being missed and behind those targets are hard pressed passengers being hit by increasing fares for a decreasing level of service. But it seems that sorry is the hardest word for our transport chiefs.

“The latest performance figures are particularly damning when it comes to CCTV and security at stations. It is shocking that Scotrail won’t face up to the fact that they are putting safety at risk by trying to make a profit on the back of axing staff.

“It is downright negligent of ScotRail to have cut a fifth of posts in CCTV at a time performance is falling.”

Commenting on reports in the Sun today that Abellio are set to lose the ScotRail contract, Colin Smyth said:

“Rather than briefing newspapers Humza Yousaf should be getting to grips with the problems on our railways.

“The SNP can try and sit on the fence all they want about a public option for our railways – Labour supports public ownership, it’s the best future for our railways.”